Office Space

Office is an area or rooms in a building used as a workplace.

140+ profiles in Office Space

Name Categories Updated
AllOfficecenters Tools for Businesses Workspaces Office Space Rentals
+ 3 more
6 months ago Details
Asure Software Spaces Technology Platform Assets
+ 59 more
1 month ago Details
AURA Spaces Business Workspaces Developer
+ 10 more
4 days ago Details
Base10 Spaces Platform Property Software
+ 29 more
1 month ago Details
Befimmo Office Space Coworking 4 years ago Details
BESPACED Spaces Workspaces Office Space Rentals 5 months ago Details
Bond Collective Tools for Businesses Workspaces Office Space Coworking
+ 7 more
12 days ago Details
Bouygues Immobilier Commercial RE Retail Office Space RE Dev. 23 days ago Details
Breather Office Space Coworking 5 months ago Details
Brookfield Asset Management Private Equity RE Investments Sustainability Asset Management
+ 3 more
4 years ago Details
Click here to get the full list of 155 profiles