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The most complete lists including Startups, Consulting firms, Angels & VCs, Incubators & Accelerators, Press & News, Event organizers, Real Estate Companies, in categories like App, Software-as-a-Service SaaS, Sustainability, Blockchain, Incubators & Accelerators, Software, Real Estate, Platform, and many more.

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Name Profiles Data points Updated
App 409 9054 13 hours ago Full list
Software-as-a-Service SaaS 238 6650 17 hours ago Full list
Sustainability 116 2600 13 hours ago Full list
Blockchain 108 2012 17 hours ago Full list
Incubators & Accelerators 75 826 2 days ago Full list
Software 1325 32600 10 hours ago Full list
Real Estate 872 22505 10 hours ago Full list
Platform 864 21528 10 hours ago Full list

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