Directory of proptech companies

Our lists in the proptech industry are collected manually and enhanced with our home-made algorithms.

Name Profiles Data points Updated
App 409 9054 17 hours ago Full list
Software-as-a-Service SaaS 238 6650 21 hours ago Full list
Sustainability 116 2600 17 hours ago Full list
Blockchain 108 2012 21 hours ago Full list
Incubators & Accelerators 75 826 2 days ago Full list
Software 1325 32600 14 hours ago Full list
Real Estate 872 22505 14 hours ago Full list
Platform 864 21528 14 hours ago Full list
Management 667 18231 1 hour ago Full list
Rentals 649 11949 1 day ago Full list
Marketplace 568 12034 14 hours ago Full list
Services 548 16862 14 hours ago Full list
Construction 498 10583 21 hours ago Full list
Marketing 491 12498 21 hours ago Full list
Real estate Investments 479 6893 1 hour ago Full list