
Atlas home is a real estate platform, where you can buy, sell and rent real estate in a couple of clicks. It allows you to filter, visualize and visit real estate according to your specific preferences; through innovative technologies such as Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, virtual Tours and real-time architecture.

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Last update: 4 months ago

Appears in those lists

Name Profiles Data points Updated
Software 1325 32600 16 hours ago Full list
Real Estate 872 22505 14 hours ago Full list
Platform 864 21528 16 hours ago Full list
Rentals 649 11949 14 hours ago Full list
Real-time 157 4606 4 days ago Full list
AR/VR 132 2585 10 days ago Full list
Architecture 128 3164 14 hours ago Full list
Virtual Reality 122 2276 10 days ago Full list
Real Estate Market 91 2352 13 days ago Full list
Augmented Reality 84 1752 12 days ago Full list
Time 81 2937 16 days ago Full list
Rent 80 2433 14 hours ago Full list
Housing 69 1977 14 hours ago Full list
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----- --- Plus - - - --- -- Full list
----- --- Plus - - - --- -- Full list
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